Full-text access to thousands of journals across a broad range of topics. Contains also summaries to articles which are available fulltext via other databases.
Journal article abstract database focused on psychology, social science and behavioural sciences. Covers approximately 2,400 journals in multiple languages.
Shared online off-air TV and radio recording service for education institutions. BoB enables all staff and students in subscribing institutions to choose and record any broadcast programme from over 65 free to air TV and radio channels.
Contains full text journals plus summaries to some articles available full text elsewhere and market research data. Subjects covered are accounting, banking, business, economics, finance, management, sales & marketing, logistics & transport. Contains full text of the Harvard Business Review from 1922. Datamonitor, Gartner and others provide market research, industry reports and company reports & SWOT analysis. The Economist Intelligence Unit provides some country reports.
Collection of over 30,000 academic e-books, primarily recently published titles, across a wide-range of subjects within fully searchable online environment. Includes e-books from both Cambridge University Press and also selected other publishers.
CareKnowledge is a practice-focused research tool used extensively by social work and health studies students and academics to develop their skills and knowledge. Compiled from a wide range of resources, Care Knowledge brings together the latest social care information into one database. The database contains journal articles, in-house commentaries, special reports, Government documents and more.
Links to full text for many journal articles. This database also contains indexes and summaries for articles from over 400 journals in the field of communications and mass media, including radio, television and journalism.
An online reference resource that provides access to the full text of subject-specific reference titles, dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopaedias, quotations and atlases from a wide variety of publishers. Credo guides students through topics and concepts using visualisation tools and extensive cross referencing. Constantly expanding, it contains over 3 million entries from over 500 titles, including over 200,000 multimedia items and allows seamless searching of your other library resources. This multidisciplinary resource covers anthropology, art, astronomy, biography, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, ecology, economics, education, engineering, environmental studies, food, geography, geology, history, language, law, literature, mathematics, media studies, medicine, midwifery, music, nursing, palaeontology, philosophy, physics, politics, psychology, quotations, religion, sociology, technology, and zoology.
A bibliographic and full text database which covers scholarly research on all levels of education from early childhood to higher education, and all educational specialities, such as multilingual education, health education and testing. ERC also covers areas of curriculum instruction as well as administration, policy, funding and related social issues.
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (EEMCS) is an online collection of peer-reviewed case studies focusing on business decision making and management development throughout key global emerging markets. Case are written by case writers working in or closely with developing economies. offering perspectives with global appeal. EEMCS addresses the increasing demand from business educators and practitioners for quality-controlled teaching cases focusing on global emerging markets. We have access to the 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020 case studies.
Emerald provides access to journal articles covering management disciplines including strategy, leadership, information management, and marketing and human resource management. It also includes over 3,000 e-books covering the social sciences subjects, including education, economics, politics and research in the social sciences.
A database of information on companies in the United Kingdom and Ireland provided by Moody's Analytics. Company information typically includes: contact information, activity details, credit score and rating, security and price information, names of bankers and auditors, details of holdings and subsidiaries, names of current and previous directors, heads of departments, and shareholders, and scans of the company’s latest annual reports.
A series of animated audio visual presentations by world leading experts and academics on marketing and management. Each talk has informative visuals and printable slide handouts in PDF format.
IEEE Xplore is the interface for IEL Online (IEEE/IET Digital library). This database provides full text access to all the IEEE and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) journals, conferences and active IEEE standards. It gives access to worldwide quality technical literature in electrical engineering, electronics, communications technology, business management, computing and multimedia.
Large collection of academic e-journals and e-books. Covers economics, history, political science, and sociology, as well as in other key fields in the humanities and social sciences; Language, performing, and visual arts, including all titles in the Music collection. JSTOR also includes the Artstor image database, accessible by using the ‘Images’ search option on the JSTOR site, or by using the separate Artstor link on the A-Z of E-Resources.
Legal database containing the full text of amended and consolidated UK legislation from 1267 onwards as well as a comprehensive range of general and specialist law reports including the Law Reports of England & Wales, All England Law Reports, Weekly Law Reports and the Family Law Reports. Includes Halsbury’s Laws of England and Wales, a complete narrative statement of the law of England and Wales. You can search and browse over 100 full text UK law journals from a range of publishers including Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press.
LinkedIn Learning (formerly known as Lynda.com) is an online learning platform to help people learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals through access to a searchable video library of courses. Training sessions in streaming video taught by recognised industry experts cover a variety of software products and digital technologies as well as a wide range of other topics.
Mintel offers access to a range of UK consumer, media and market research reports covering a wide variety of sectors including international travel and tourism and country reports. Each report links to relevant industry news and company information.
Full text of over 2,000 academic journals published by Elsevier. Subject fields covered include Biological Sciences, Arts & Humanities, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Business, Management and Accounting, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Science, Decision Sciences, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Engineering and Technology, Immunology and Microbiology, Materials Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Neuroscience, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics, Physics and Astronomy, Psychology, and Social Sciences.
Full text of UK, and International cases, legislation, journals and ebook legal reference material. It also includes the text books: Contract Law: Textbook Series; Criminal Law: Textbook Series; Darbyshire on the English Legal System; English Legal System: The Fundamentals; Glanville Williams Textbook of Criminal Law; Hayton and Mitchell on the Law of Trusts & Equitable Remedies; McEldowney: Public Law; Smith & Thomas: A Casebook on Contract; Treitel on The Law of Contract; Clarkson & Keating Criminal Law: Text and Materials; Contract Law: The Fundamentals; Criminal Law: The Fundamentals; Elliott & Wood’s Cases and Materials on Criminal Law Equity and Trusts: Textbook Series; Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity Land Law: Textbook Series; Megarry & Wade Tort: Textbook Series; Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort. Registration required on first login
Access to approximately 2,800 academic journals published by Wiley. Subject areas include medicine, health, life sciences, engineering, physics, information science, computing, mathematics and more.