All research publications produced by academic staff during the course of employment by London Met University should be added to the Repository as soon as possible after acceptance. This is particularly important for publications that fall under the scope of the REF and funder Open Access policies, including journal articles, books and conference papers. However the Repository is designed to accommodate any of the following publication types:
- Journal articles
- Books and book chapters
- Conference papers
- PhD theses
- Unpublished documents and supporting files
- Audiovisual files
- Data files
Please note it is not generally necessary to add duplicate copies of your publications created during previous employment at other universities to the London Met Repository for REF assessment purposes. This is because most publications will have been added to your previous employer's repository at the time of publication and will therefore be REF-compliant outputs already. There are occasional exceptions to this rule, so if you are in doubt please contact us as to discuss the situation.