Full text of UK, and International cases, legislation, journals and ebook legal reference material. It also includes the text books: Contract Law: Textbook Series; Criminal Law: Textbook Series; Darbyshire on the English Legal System; English Legal System: The Fundamentals; Glanville Williams Textbook of Criminal Law; Hayton and Mitchell on the Law of Trusts & Equitable Remedies; McEldowney: Public Law; Smith & Thomas: A Casebook on Contract; Treitel on The Law of Contract; Clarkson & Keating Criminal Law: Text and Materials; Contract Law: The Fundamentals; Criminal Law: The Fundamentals; Elliott & Wood’s Cases and Materials on Criminal Law Equity and Trusts: Textbook Series; Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity Land Law: Textbook Series; Megarry & Wade Tort: Textbook Series; Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort. Registration required on first login
Legal database containing the full text of amended and consolidated UK legislation from 1267 onwards as well as a comprehensive range of general and specialist law reports including the Law Reports of England & Wales, All England Law Reports, Weekly Law Reports and the Family Law Reports. Includes Halsbury’s Laws of England and Wales, a complete narrative statement of the law of England and Wales. You can search and browse over 100 full text UK law journals from a range of publishers including Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press.
Lexis+ is home to legal resources related to environmental law, including the Journal of Environmental Law.
Westlaw UK is home to legal resources related to environmental law, including the Journal of Planning & Environment Law.
Contains full text journals plus summaries to some articles available full text elsewhere and market research data. Subjects covered are accounting, banking, business, economics, finance, management, sales & marketing, logistics & transport. Contains full text of the Harvard Business Review from 1922. Datamonitor, Gartner and others provide market research, industry reports and company reports & SWOT analysis. The Economist Intelligence Unit provides some country reports.
Emerald provides access to journal articles covering management disciplines including strategy, leadership, information management, and marketing and human resource management. It also includes over 3,000 e-books covering the social sciences subjects, including education, economics, politics and research in the social sciences.
A database of information on companies in the United Kingdom and Ireland provided by Moody's Analytics. Company information typically includes: contact information, activity details, credit score and rating, security and price information, names of bankers and auditors, details of holdings and subsidiaries, names of current and previous directors, heads of departments, and shareholders, and scans of the company’s latest annual reports.
Mintel offers access to a range of UK consumer, media and market research reports covering a wide variety of sectors including international travel and tourism and country reports. Each report links to relevant industry news and company information.
A unique integrated international market research database with country data, consumer lifestyles, consumer market sizes, forecasts, companies and brands, information sources, major market profiles, market analysis. First time account registration required -- Use your London Met email address and enter ‘Western Europe’ as your region -- Ensure all starred fields are completed on registration screen