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London Metropolitan University

Advertising, Fashion Marketing, Marketing and Public Relations

  • ABIS (The Academy of Business in Society)
    An alliance that formed by companies, business schools and academic institutions which aim to embed issues on business in society into learning and practice in Europe. Includes examples of corporate social responsibility activities. Academic papers can be viewed online.
  • Bank of England
    Information about the Bank of England, press releases and publications.
  • BBC/OU Money & Management podcast
    Contains a series of podcasts such as retail revolutions or the cost of home ownership. This could be an alternative way for business students to find good materials for their projects, in addition to journals. If you like this you may like the Marketing and Management Collection too.
  • CBI 
    Confederation of British Industry site.
  • OECD 
    ​​​​​​​The OECD groups 30 member countries sharing a commitment to democratic government and the market economy. Best known for its publications and its statistics, its work covers economic and social issues from macroeconomics, to trade, education, development and science and innovation. 
  • Yahoo Small Business 
    Yahoo portal for general business and economic information. Especially useful for stock market sources.
  • World Factbook 
    ​​​​​​​Online version of the annual publication. Useful for specific country information.
  • BFA
    The British Franchise Association is the voluntary self-regulating governing body for franchising. The UK market offers many franchise opportunities.

  • Industry Guides from the British Library IP centre
    Essential guides for small businesses and entrepreneurs compiled by the British Library Business IP Centre. There are sections on business plans, grants and finance, industries, intellectual property and marketing.

  • EC SME Portal
    This portal provides access to information on the whole spectrum of EU policies, legislation, programmes and initiatives relevant to Europe's small and medium-sized enterprises.


  • Entrepreneur

  • Getting British Business Online
    A partnership between Enterprise UK, Google & e-Skills, with the support of the Department for Business Innovation & Skills. They offer small businesses a free website address, a free customised website and free online marketing.

  • GEM
    GEM UK is the world's largest single country study of entrepreneurial activity within the GEM Global consortium. It can tell us about how much activity is going on, where that activity is, how regions across the UK compare, the types of people that become entrepreneurs and the impact that entrepreneurs have on job and wealth creation.

  • Startups
  • Interactive Investor
    Recommended resource. This site allows you to check the price of stocks and shares, and also enables you to compile your own share portfolio. The website software automatically tracks your share portfolio over time and calculates its monetary value as the stock market fluctuates.
  • City Wire
    Provides share, investment and company news.
  • Dow Jones
    Provides stock market indices, including those for speciality markets such as the Asian and Islamic markets.
  • Fortune rankings
    Lists America's most successful companies showing revenue details (the Fortune 500) as well as producing similar details for the 500 best performing companies globally (the Global 500).
  • FTSE
    The official FTSE website, providing FTSE indices for the UK, European and global stock markets.
  • Hemscott 
    Using Hemscott Morningstar you can register for free access to comprehensive share and company information. This site also enables you to create your own share portfolio and track your shares.
  • Hong Kong Stock Exchange
    Trading information and data from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
  • London Metal Exchange
    Lists the London Metal Exchange monthly and daily commodity prices.
  • London Stock Exchange
    Includes a searchable database of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange and the AIM and techMARK exchanges.
  • New York Stock Exchange
    Includes a searchable database of companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange
  • This Is Money
    Offers a free service where you can compile your own portfolio of stocks and shares. Software on This Is Money platform automatically tracks the stocks and shares in your portfolio value and its corresponding market value. The site also offers share market news, tips, and company information, and personal finance information.



Advertising and Marketing 

 These are links to professional associations where you can find current information and policies and guidelines.

Data and Marketing Association 

The Advertising Association 

The Branded Content Marketing Association 

The Chartered Institute of Marketing 

The Chartered Institute of Public Relations

The Marketing Society 


Fashion Marketing 

London Fashion Week

The Institute of Positive Fashion 

The UK Fashion and Textile Association 

Below are lists for business, entrepreneurship, small businesses, stock markets, government and organisations