In the above we have recommended ways of citing outputs from AI that you have used in your work. But you should always acknowledge any use of AI, even if you didn't directly use the AI generated content. For example, if you used AI in the development of ideas and concepts in your work, you must still acknowledge that.
Provide a description of the AI tool used, how the information was generated, including the prompts you used, and the date accessed. You could add this acknowledgement as a footnote or at the end of your reference list, but you should check with the course coordinator or tutor for guidance.
Format: ​​
I acknowledge the use of [insert AI system(s) with link] to [how the AI was used]. The prompts or questions/sub-questions used include [list of prompts]. ​​
I acknowledge the use of Copilot [] to generate ideas and material for background research and project planning in the drafting of this assignment. The following prompts were entered into Copilot on 4 November 2024: ​"Explain whether Boolean operators are still useful even with artificial intelligence in a 50 word paragraph". "Please reference your answer".
🚩 Remember: Content from generative AI is a nonrecoverable source as it can't be retrieved or linked back to.