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London Metropolitan University

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Library Guide: AI Tools

Definitions of AI tools

An article from the World Economic Forum website says that “Broadly speaking, artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of study and type of technology characterised by the development and use of machines that are capable of performing tasks that usually would have required human intelligence.” (Feingold, 2023). However, it then goes on to say “AI is not intelligence—it is prediction. With large language models, we’ve seen an increase in the machine’s ability to accurately predict and execute a desired outcome. But it would be a mistake to equate this to human intelligence.” (Feingold, 2023).

At a talk at the Architecture Librarians conference (ARCLIB) 2023, a speaker presented a range of definitions from different sources, but what they all had in common was the agreement that AI imitates human intelligence, doing tasks that would normally require human intelligence (Cox, 2023).


We have listed below some popular generative AI tools currently in use. However, it is not a comprehensive list. We are currently experiencing an 'AI boom', as more and more AI tools are developed and introduced to market. If you'd like to research tools beyond this list, you can follow There's an AI for That, an AI aggregator which adds the latest versions of AI tools as they are introduced. You can also follow the Generative AI Product Tracker, which lists AI tools used by or marketed towards academics and students.


It is best not to upload personal or confidential information when using any generative AI tool. If you are asking it to summarise material be aware that you cannot upload copyrighted material.

AI tools