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London Metropolitan University

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Using other university libraries (SCONUL Access)

What is SCONUL Access?

London Metropolitan University is a member of the SCONUL Access scheme. SCONUL Access is a reciprocal scheme which allows staff and students from participating institutions to visit the libraries of other member institutions. The scheme covers most of the university libraries in the UK and Ireland.

Staff, postgraduate and part-time undergraduate students may also be able to obtain borrowing rights, although this will vary between individual libraries.

Which libraries can I visit?

The scheme covers most of the university libraries in the UK and Ireland so have a look at participating libraries. You will not be able to access their subscribed e-journals, databases or other e-resources. Check the library website of the institution you are visiting before making the journey in case a passport photo or any further identification is required.

How do I apply?

Apply now

Register to join the scheme by completing the SCONUL Access application form from the link above.  You must use your London Met email address to register.

Application requirements:

  • You do not need to make multiple applications.
  • Providing your library account shows no overdue items or outstanding charges, you will receive an e-mail showing acceptance of your application.
  • Be ready to show your acceptance email - printed or on your mobile device - and your staff / student ID card when you go to the institution you wish to use.

Student FAQs are available on the SCONUL Access website.

Can I use their resources?

WIfi: If the institution you are visiting provides Eduroam wireless access you should be able to connect to this as a London Metropolitan University student. Check our Wifi access details for more information.

e-resources: You will not be able to access their subscribed e-journals, databases or other e-resources.

Public and special libraries

There are opportunities to use the various reference and specialist libraries in London

The British Library

The British Library is a reference library offering access to material not available elsewhere.

The British Library is continuing to experience a major technology outage as a result of a cyber-attack.

Their Reading Rooms in London and Yorkshire are open, but access to the collection and online resources is limited.

Please see what is currently available and search their catalogue.

Access to Research Scheme

Over 10 million academic articles are available, free of charge, in libraries participating in the Access to Research scheme

Local public libraries

Use Find a Local Library to search for a public library near you as they may have some of the resources you need for your studies, free WI-FI and computers to use.

  • City of London Libraries

    • This site allows you to search the collections and community information resources of a range of libraries, museums and archives across London.
  • Small business research and enterprise centre

    • Formerly called "City Business Library" you can find access to business information sources including market research, UK and international directories, reports of international organisations and periodicals. 
    • There is a free and also a subscription membership:  the free membership offers remote access to four databases, the subscription membership remote access to 10 databases.  All members can visit the Centre and access all resources free of charge and business students and academics are also welcome to sign up.
  • Guildhall Library

    • Holds the "The Stock Exchange" and "Lloyd’s of London" archives and printed collections and "The City of London Livery Company" archives.
  • Islington Libraries

    • All Islington's libraries are free to join and have free public computers, Wi-Fi and internet access.
    • Local History will also be open for pre-booked appointments only Please email