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London Metropolitan University

Referencing, academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism: Help and support


Help and support

Academic Liaison Librarians

Ask your Academic Liaison Librarian for help with:

  • finding relevant resources

  • accessing resources

  • evaluating resources

  • referencing

📆 You can book an appointment to meet with your Academic Liaison Librarian through the link on your Subject Guide via the Library web pages.

🤔 Not sure who your librarian is?  See: Who is my Academic Liaison Librarian?

📧 You can also get in touch by email: 

Academic mentors

Academic Mentors are available to help you with your assessed work. Their input can help you to gain a better understanding of what's required in terms of academic writing skills and structuring essays. The Academic Mentors can provide tips on study skills such as how to revise more effectively, how to manage your time, or help you understand something that was covered in a lecture.

Find out who the Academic Mentors for your School are.