If you are an undergraduate, ZoteroBib is a great place to start to create a quick and easy bibliography for free, without the need to install any software or create an account.
You may find ZoteroBib useful if you are working on one-off essays rather than a sustained research project.
Just like Zotero, Zotero Bib provides access to over 9000 referencing styles for your bibliography.
Add items to your bibliography using the ZoteroBib search box:
- find items online and paste the URL
- paste or type in an ISBN, DOI, PubMed ID, or arXiv ID
- search by title.
ZoteroBib will find bibliographic information and add the item to your bibliography:
- if ZoteroBib does not find what you are looking for or the data is incomplete, enter the data with the manual editor
- your bibliography will be stored automatically in your local browser
- if you want to load your bibliography onto another device, create a "link to this version"
- you can share your bibliography with others, though a regular Zotero account provides you with more tools for collaboration.
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Quick guide to ZoteroBib.