This service covers British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.
CareKnowledge is a practice-focused research tool used extensively by social work and health studies students and academics to develop their skills and knowledge. Compiled from a wide range of resources, Care Knowledge brings together the latest social care information into one database. The database contains journal articles, in-house commentaries, special reports, Government documents and more.
Legal database containing the full text of amended and consolidated UK legislation from 1267 onwards as well as a comprehensive range of general and specialist law reports including the Law Reports of England & Wales, All England Law Reports, Weekly Law Reports and the Family Law Reports. Includes Halsbury’s Laws of England and Wales, a complete narrative statement of the law of England and Wales. You can search and browse over 100 full text UK law journals from a range of publishers including Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press.
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