Access the Reading Lists system via the 'Reading lists' link on the menu within the Weblearn module area or via the Reading lists homepage. Here is a short video (1m 40s) giving an overview of the system and showing how to set up your profile.
Items are added to reading lists using a Bookmarklet extension. This allows for the export of item records from a range of trusted sources such as the library catalogue, e-journals and websites, in a single click.
Talis have changed the traditional bookmarklet works. The bookmarklet can now be added as an extension tool on Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox browsers. It is not available for Safari.
New instructions for installing and using a bookmarklet extension on Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox from Talis.
This video (1m 44s) shows how to install the bookmarking extension
This video (6m 52s) shows you how to add items to your reading list.
This video demonstrates how to create a new reading list.
You may be asked to enter the name of the list owner. This should be the person within the School who is recognised as having responsibility for the module and the ownership of the reading list.
It tells you that the list is empty and the list is unpublished.
Your empty list will have a number of options for you to add new information.
This video (1m 57s) shows you how to organise your reading list.
If you change your mind you can:
The three vertical dots also contain an option to add a 'Note for students'. This will appear within the record with a mortarboard symbol and can be used to instruct students to read a particular portion of the work.
NOTE: When adding articles never use the Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) as this is not suitable for off-campus access, always ensure there is a full Uniform Resource Locator (URL).
Book chapters and journal articles can be digitised and the PDFs added to your reading list. This is particularly helpful to students when the library may not have multiple copies of printed items.
Instructions on requesting scans and digitised copies of materials, including copyright restrictions, can be found here: Scans and digitisation
Up to now, your reading list has been displaying the banner message: Unpublished changes! Your changes have been saved, but not published.
Once you are happy with your list and all 'Importance's are set it can be published by clicking on the blue 'publish' button. This makes the list visible to the students and sends a notification to Library Services to check for any items not already held in stock.
See this video (1m 27s) for information on publishing your list.
The reading list link should appear in the left-hand module menu. Once you have published your reading list, click on the reading list link in Blackboard. If it shows a preview, click Save to add the list.
Your reading list link will appear in the module content area:
1. Ensure that you have published your reading list (see previous sections of this guide).
2. Click on the Reading List link from within your Weblearn module.
3. The reading list tool will load. Your list for that module should automatically be found. If not, it will give you the option to search via list name, module code, creator or year.
4. Click Embed list. A message will appear to confirm the list has been added.
5. Close the window and return to Weblearn. The reading list should now be active and visible to students.
If you have created a module list with sections (e.g. week one, week two) you can link to just that section if you wish.
1. In the content area of your Weblearn module, click the plus button (+) where you would like to add your reading list section.
2. Click More tools.
3. Click Reading list link.
4. The reading list tool will load. Your list for that module may automatically be found. If not, it will give you the option to search via list name, module code, creator or year.
5. To add just a specific section, click Select section. It will then show you all the sections within that list. Select Embed section next to your chosen one. Repeat from step 1 to embed more sections.
6. Close the window and return to Weblearn. If you don’t immediately see the reading list section, click refresh on your browser and it should appear. Check that it is visible to students.