Access to the 11 RCN journals:
Cancer Nursing Practice
Emergency Nurse
Evidence-Based Nursing
Learning Disability Practice
Mental Health Practice
Nurse Researcher
Nursing Children and Young People
Nursing Management
Nursing Older People
Nursing Standard
Primary Health Care
Access to the previous three years of each journal only
Access to 17 journals in nursing:
British Journal of Cardiac Nursing
British Journal of Child Health
British Journal of Community Nursing
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants
British Journal of Mental Health Nursing
British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
British Journal of Nursing
Gastrointestinal Nursing
Independent Nurse
International Journal of Palliative Nursing
Journal of Aesthetic Nursing
Journal of Health Visiting
Journal of Kidney Care
Journal of Prescribing Practice
Journal of Wound Care
Nursing and Residential Care
Practice Nursing