Critical thinking is important not just at university but in life too. With the huge amount of information open to us on the internet, we need the skills to be able to question the content and be able to identify bias and misinformation.
Critical thinkers:
✔ Make better choices and informed decisions: they weigh the pros and cons and analyse the information available.
✔ Identify misinformation: critical thinkers avoid being misled by lies, scams and those attempting to deceive.
✔ Gain career success: employers want critical thinkers who are used to analysing and evaluating information.
✔ Solve problems: they think creatively through options to identify best courses of action.
✔ Are curious and well-informed: critical thinking is all about asking questions and seeking a range of different sources.
✔ Provide well-thought-out and evidenced arguments- key to assignment success!