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London Metropolitan University

Studying at London Metropolitan University

What's it like being a student at university?

A cartoon of three students joyfully throwing jumpingBeing at university brings lots of new and exciting experiences.  University study can be quite different to school or college; it's important to be prepared so that you get the most out of your time here.  

Here are a few things to expect:

  • flexible timetables – classes are not necessarily 9-4 or everyday
  • less structured – more working on your own – autonomous working and independent learning
  • more coursework to submit – essays, reports, assignments
  • group work for assignments- working in a team

London Met Uni has diverse student groups. You will be meeting new people, having a different social life. You will be learning and studying in a variety of groups, some could be large. There will be different ways and modes of learning to get used to.

You will have more responsibility for your own planning, learning and meeting coursework deadlines. Expect a different workload and more challenging academic work. Expect less 'spoon-feeding’ from teaching staff  and more independent learning.

What is expected of me?

  • You are responsible for your own learning.
  • You are self-motivated, set goals and manage your time.
  • You prepare for seminars and lectures and do the required reading.
  • You attend your seminars and lectures and arrive on time.
  • You engage with seminars and lectures and take notes.
  • You work well with others and learn from different perspectives.
  • You apply critical thinking and self-reflection.
  • You uphold the values of academic integrity.
Being flexible and able to adapt to new situations will be a great help to you through your university years and beyond.

Useful resources

Content from this guide has been developed and adapted from London Metropolitan University StudyHub and LibraryMatters. Illustrations from Interactive activities created with H5P. With thanks to Sandra Sinfield & Tom Burns.

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