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London Metropolitan University

Where to start with Library resources

Library Search

A cartoon of a person searching on an oversized mobile screenLibrary Search is the library catalogue: your window to millions of resources. 

Use Library Search to find a specific book, article, DVD or other item, or to find resources on a topic.  It’s an excellent place to start your independent research, as it covers all subject areas and a range of information types.  It searches the Aldgate and Holloway Road libraries, as well as our Special Collections and Archives, the London Metropolitan University Repository and many of of the electronic online databases we subscribe to. 

Library Search

What do each of the Library Search tabs do?

There are four different search options on the Library Search home page:

Library Search:  Not sure where to start your research?  Type your topic search terms into the Library Search tab to get started.  This will return results from a range of resources, for example journals, e-books/ books, databases and more.  
Books and ebooks: Just want books? Use this tab! It doesn't search articles, journals or other resources like films but can be useful for quickly searching for a particular book title or to find books/e-books on a particular topic. Learn how to search for books/ebooks.
Journal titles: Looking for a particular journal? Use this tab! This finds publications within the whole of London Met's online and print journal collection. Learn how to search for journals.
Special Collections: Use this tab to search the archives held by Special Collections.  Find out more about London Met's Special Collections: Special Collections - Student Zone. This does not search the TUC (Trades Union Congress) collection.  You can find a link to search that collection on the first page of Library Search, under Quick Links or access it directly here: Search the TUC collection

I'd like to use the old catalogue!

If you would prefer to use the classic Sierra catalogue view, the link to Classic Catalogue  can be found under Quick Links on the catalogue homepage, or access directly here: Classic catalogue view

Once you have clicked search on the classic catalogue view, on the results page you will see the option for an Advanced search.