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London Metropolitan University

Where to start with Library resources

Smarter searching

Library Search includes many of our databases and collections, meaning you can search across a large number of resources at the same time.  Because of this you may get a large number of results. Our search tips will help you narrow down your results and find exactly what you need.


Searching for the title of the resource such as an ebook, database or journal article, should bring up the item you are looking for at or near the top of the results. If not, you can limit your search by using filters.  On the results page, click All filters.

The filter menu will appear on the right side of the screen.

Some options you might like to try:

Full text: only show results where you can read the whole article/book (rather than just a summary)
Peer reviewed: only show results where the results are from peer-reviewed publications (meaning the content has been reviewed and examined by other experts in the field before publication).
Date range: some topics may require current research only so you can change the date range to only show recent articles/publications.
Source type: maybe you only want books or academic journals or maybe a less academic magazine? If so, you can refine your search here. You can also look for patents, news articles, or theses.
Subject: this can help narrow the results to a subfield in the topic. For instance, if you are looking for information on the Eiffel Tower you can refine the results to topics about architecture, history, tourism, and more.


Once you have chosen your filters, click Apply filters to see your new list of results.


Saving to Library Search

You can also save your searches and any items you find within Library Search itself.  Decorative cartoon

  • Click Login to my account at the top right hand corner of Library Search. Search on your topic.
  • Next to each search result you will see a bookmark icon Click on it to save that result.
  • To the left hand side of the results page you will see My dashboard.  Here you will find your Saved results.
  • You can click on Searches to see your session search history.  Click the bookmark icon to save that search. 


Help and training

Advanced Search

Improve your search results!  Find relevant content!  Don't miss out on the best resources! Try an advanced search.

From Library Search homepage click Advanced search.

Field searching

You can specify if you want to look for your keywords in a particular search field, such as author, title or subject.


Library Search assumes that you are searching for all the words you type unless you combine or exclude words and phrases by using 'OR' or 'NOT'.

Advanced search can help you to effectively combine your keywords using linking words AND, OR and NOT (Boolean search operators), making it easier to construct advanced searches.

AND: include results that contain both search terms. This will narrow your search (fewer, more specific results).
OR: include results that contain either search term.  This will broaden your search (more results).
NOT: exclude results that contain this word.  This will narrow your search (fewer results).

Phrase searching

Use “double quotation” marks to search for a phrase e.g. “supply chain management”.

Wildcards and Truncation

?    The question mark can refer to any letter. Example, search for "ne?t" will return results with neat, nest, or next.
#    Useful for alternate spellings. Finds words that have or don't have a letter in place of the #. Example, search "colo#r will return results with color or colour
*    Use the asterisk to search for root words. Example, search "comput* will return results of computer or computer. 

Your Academic Liaison Librarian

Still struggling to get the results you need?  Why not book an appointment with your friendly Academic Liaison Librarian?  They can help you with researching for your assignments, dissertations and projects plus give you tips for effective use of resources for your subject.

Find contact details for your librarian.