Cite Them Right is an online platform that can help you with your referencing. It provides clear guidance on how to reference with lots of examples. It covers a range of different referencing styles and you can test your knowledge with their tutorial.
To access: go to Cite Them Right > click Log in > click Log in via your institution > search for and select London Metropolitan University > sign in with your usual university email and password.
Choose your referencing style to get started or take a look at their videos and tutorial.
LibKey Nomad is a great tool which helps you to easily find scholarly journal articles. When you are searching on the web, Nomad lets you know if any of the content is available from our library subscriptions or open access alternatives.
All you need to do is add an extension to your web browser.
Go to, select your browser at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions to add the extension. When prompted, select London Metropolitan University as your organisation.
When searching the web look out for the Nomad button to link you to the article. provides access to journal articles using either the digital object identifier (DOI) or PubMed Identifier (PMID). If the article is available through the Library’s subscriptions or it is Open Access you will be able to access the PDF or the article link.
If you don't know the DOI or PMID you can search for journals and journal articles using Library Search. See Understanding journals - Finding information - LibGuides at London Metropolitan University for more guidance.
The best place to find your reading list is on Weblearn.
Each of your modules will have a Blackboard site. Look for the "Reading List" link in the left hand menu to link to your online reading list.
Or do search for a reading list by module code or title using the quick search box below:
Search for lists, modules & courses