Covering: Fashion, Textiles, Product and Furniture Design, Jewellery and Silversmithing
Full-text access to thousands of journals across a broad range of topics. Contains also summaries to articles which are available fulltext via other databases.
Large collection of academic e-journals and e-books. Covers economics, history, political science, and sociology, as well as in other key fields in the humanities and social sciences; Language, performing, and visual arts, including all titles in the Music collection. JSTOR also includes the Artstor image database, accessible by using the ‘Images’ search option on the JSTOR site, or by using the separate Artstor link on the A-Z of E-Resources.
This comprehensive resource offers instant, searchable access to books which combine visual inspiration with practical advice on idea generation, research techniques, portfolio development and more, across the main visual arts disciplines including Fashion and Textiles, Design and Illustration, Photography, Film and Media, Architecture and Interiors, and Marketing and Advertising.
Led by the Academic Liaison Librarian team, these workshops will help you develop your skills for uni and beyond.
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For full details of our workshops take a look at: Library Skills Workshops
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