Our Special Collections hold archives, rare books, and historic objects that span over 350 years. They range in format from personal letters, to oral history and photographs. To start your research of the collections, please visit our online catalogue.
Our main collections comprise the University Archive, The Archive of Irish in Britain, the Trades Union Congress Library collections and the Frederick Parker Archives and Chair collection, which include material to support your research of:
Politics and Journalism
Student Voice and Activism
Migration and Social Justice
Interior and Product Design
Trade Union and Labour History
Creative Arts and Architecture
Fashion and Photography
Theatre and the Performing Arts
University History
Staff and students of the University are welcome to drop into the Special Collections Reading Room during opening hours and without appointment, in order to consult the reference material on the open shelves, and/or for private study. However, most of the Special Collections material is not immediately accessible. In order to view such material, visitors are asked to make an appointment in advance, providing 2 working days' notice.
To book an appointment, staff and students are to log in using their university credentials. Admission for external visitors is via email consultation and registration. Our opening hours can be found under Library locations and opening hours.
Please get in contact with our team via email specialcollections@londonmet.ac.uk if you have any questions.
Our Reading Room in the Wash Houses is now closed, but we are providing a Learning and Teaching Room in Aldgate Library.
Please email specialcollections@londonmet.ac.uk for more information