Library Services & Special Collections | Mission Statement - Special Collections
The mission of the London Metropolitan University Special Collections Department (which includes, among others, the University Archives), is to collect, organise, preserve, and make accessible the permanent records of the University as well as rare and unique collections that support the University's teaching and research.
Approved by the University's Senior Leadership Team April 2019.
If you wish to donate archival material or publications that you think may be relevant to our collections please contact us at:
We have to consider legislation such as copyright law and data protection when taking in collections and we are not always able to take in material due to space constraints.
We are however keen to develop our collections further so please do get in touch.
In our Special Collections and Archives there may be a need to retain personal data beyond the usual time periods specified in data protection legislation. This may be because the data about the owner, originator or participator in the content and material we hold may be of lasting interest for future research or there may be a legal compliance for us to retain that data.
In many cases, this data is confidential and only visible to the Special Collections staff and the Library Management Team.
We are compliant with data protection legislation and this means that we are not always able to share personal data in our holdings.
We follow the guidance from The National Archives in order to protect and retain any such data and under certain circumstances, the data is under embargo according to time periods advised by the National Archives.
If you have any concerns about the data that we may hold please email us and include "Data Protection query" in your email subject line. or telephone us on 020 7320 3516
Please also refer to the University's policy on data protection and information about subject access requests.
Content added to our webpages and online catalogue has received due diligence checks for intellectual property and ownership rights. It has been shared to support educational research and provide wider access to our collections online. However, if you are concerned that there may have been a breach of your intellectual property and/or ownership rights, please do email and include the following information:
On notification of a possible breach, the work in question will be made unavailable for public access, and then further examined in response to the enquiry. We will acknowledge receipt of your enquiry by email. Once further checks have been performed to assess the validity of the case, the claimant will be contacted with a response.
The mission of the London Metropolitan University Special Collections Department (which includes among others, the University Archives), is to collect, organise, preserve, and make accessible the permanent records of the University as well as rare and unique collections that support the University’s teaching and research.
Right, opportunity or means of finding, using or approaching items and/or information about items. This is a wide definition of access that includes on-site and off-site access, support for the core business of the governing body, digital access and outreach and learning activities. A sub-set of access is: Engagement.
Engagement means more than simply contact with archives and archive services; it also involves understanding and a sense of personal value, ownership, empowerment. Engagement may be with internal and/or external stakeholders.
Special Collections staff develop, plan and review audience-focused approaches and user-centred strategies in order to offer greater potential for producing measurable outcomes that showcase the value and impact of collections. Please refer to Outreach and Engagement Strategy to learn more on activities supporting research, teaching and learning, cross-institutional collaborations as well as public engagement activities.
Next Review Date July 2022
Statement of Public Task
Along with other higher education libraries, London Metropolitan University's Library Services and Special Collections Department is subject to the Re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) Regulations 2015.
For more information about PSI please refer to the Statutory Instrument on PSI (accessed September 2021).
Library Services and Special Collections exists in order to:
• support the teaching, learning and research activities of the University through the provision of information resources, both in print and in
electronic formats
• provide support and training in how to access and use information resources
• develop the collections and library space according to user needs
The public task of London Metropolitan University Library, under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations, consists of the principal activity outlined below:
• to provide permission to use digital copies of manuscripts, documents and objects in our collections for re-use in publications or through other
The University’s museum and archival collections are not covered by the PSI Regulations, however, London Metropolitan University Library Services and Special Collections Department has decided to apply the same terms and conditions to both library materials and the archival and museum collections it holds for the University.